Common Ground for Urban Inclusion


The Art, Architecture and Design Research Centre at London Met host weekly seminars, book launches, lectures and other research-focussed events. I was asked to illustrate one of their AAD Sessions, highlighting the recently published Urban Commons Handbook.

The Handbook presents a complication of definitions, experiences and references around some of the questions that arise when thinking about communing the city. There are several focus areas: economies, ecologies, infrastructures, knowledges, socialites, localities and governance.

It was developed from a series of conversations and public events held in and around the University of Sheffield over three years, from 2018-2021.

It was developed from a series of conversations and public events held in and around the University of Sheffield over three years, from 2018-2021.


I was joined by Aysha Aktar, a second year Illustration and Animation student at London Metropolitan University, in her first ever live scribe experience!

Aysha created a wonderful illustrated interactive wall in which participants would add their input on post-it notes - this was framed using the river Thames to give a rough location of where each individual project was taking place.

You can see more of Aysha’s work on her instagram page here.


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